Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Banana cake 香蕉蛋糕

Been wanting to try this banana cake that Happy Home Baker
has baked. Finally got all the ingredients.

Here's my cake.

Now you see it.

Made only 3/4 portion in a loaf pan as I forsee that the kids
would be fussy about the wholemeal grains. Its so yummy.
And true enough my boy only ate a small piece, my girl 1 piece,
my hubby 2 pieces, and with 3 pieces to my mother, I polished 
up the rest (its only day 2 that the cake has been made) ! How
 not to become fat?

now you don't.

Love the little grains inside... and now I hv to think how to
use up the rest of the wholemeal flour.

终于买齐材料, 烘了这个香蕉蛋糕。用了些全麦粉, 好健康哦。
才第二天呢, 你说我能不肥吗?

要动手自己做吗? 请点击。谢谢 Happy Homebaker 和我们


Happy Homebaker said...

I like this cake too! I'll love to write a post in Chinese, but my hanyu pinyin sucks! It will take ages for me to come up with a short paragraph, and I need my walking dictionary (my elder boy) to help me 'pin' the words as I type ;)
It will take some time for kids to get use to wholemeal kids don't like wholemeal too! We can start by slowly introducing smaller amounts, and hopefully one day, they will get used to the texture.

Small Small Baker said...

Nice to see you posting in Chinese too. My chinese is actually much better than my English. But same as HHB, I think I will take a long time to type in chinese. :)

sherlyn said...

Dear HHB and SSB,

My chinese is also better in english, but only spoken chinese. I am not good at writing, so I always fail my essays writting subjects.

I also took some time to compose this in chinese. Did chinese cos my Ah Yi can read. I also only do a brief paragraph, else I will use a whole night to translate all that I hv written in english. :-)

HHB, I think the wholemeal is consider small amt as compare to the rest of the flour in this recipe, but my boy still don't take ... since i hv the flour, maybe slowly add into appropriate recipes and see if he will get use.

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