Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baking for the kids

I did the nutella cupcakes again because the kids have nothing to bring to school as snacks. This time I use the mixer, quick and easy, but the swirls of nutella are still not pretty. I find it not easy to swirl because both the cupcake batter and nutella paste are thick. Here are the results.

I went on to try Moist Coconut Cake in Kevin Chai's Easy Stir n Bake Cakes. Very nice, very tasty but really very oily. I also cut down sugar since it has white chocolate. So the next time I try, I will try cut down on oil and sugar. The cakes in this book are really easy, just mix and stir and viola, edible cake. Here's my oily cake. Look at the oily cup, it is actually waxed type but the cup is still soaked with oil.

The moist interior

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