Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy with beading

The kids had chicken pox, then I had chicken pox, and I am told to avoid food like egg, chicken, peas etc for minimum of a month.. so without eggs, I did not bake, just too lazy to find non egg recipes. So I spent some time on my other hobby, beading.

I feel that the previous earring that I made is not dainty enough due to the big loops, so I cut them up and made another pair.
Pearly Black Drops

Besides this, I keep bumping into ladies wearing earrings with a single pearl... that reminds me of the peach fruit, so I made a pair with my pearls and I added a green crystal to each pearl to symbolise the leaf. I do not know how to comment on this pair, but I think just a simple pearl, but bigger would be very nice. Simple is always nice.

Fresh Peaches

Besides doing something for myself, while reading the princess magazine with my girl, I have got an inspiration from a necklace clipart and made this bracelet for her. She is so happy and this is her new favourite.

Sweet Ivory

I hope I will find a time to get some supplies .. I wanted to make another necklace for myself.

Oh .. I miss eating cakes.


Esther said...

Hi sherlyn

so long never see you post any of your bakery. bz with your children's exam? now is over, u can relax a bit :-) hope to see your bakery soon .....

sherlyn said...

Dear Esther,

Ya been busy but seriously do not know on what.. daily only check emails and addicted to FB, luckily not the games inside, just chking out (KPO lor) on friends' updates.

Did bake, just updated last night on two items..
now I am targeting to repaint my house and get it done before christmas .. so will be busy packing, throwing and painting, so not sure how often I will bake ..

I miss seeing yours and SSB's baking too. HHB also baked less, but I think she is busy with her kids' exam. My boy next year then P1, so next yr, I will be busy at these time of the year. haha.

Esther said...

glad u r back on baking track. sometime, if dun bake for too long, will 懒散下来. it will take a long time to "recuperate". :-B
take care when u paint, at our age (of course u younger than me la ..), easily "crackkkkk"... just take extra care ... hope to see your new painted house pics (if convenient). Less than 2 months later will be CNY liao .. time flies...

sherlyn said...

Ya totally agree with you.. once u stop something for a long time, you will lost the momentum. But one good thing is, my interest in these hobbies (like beading and baking) did not lessen a single bit. Thou not beading and baking, I am still looking at beading and baking books :)

Ya, time flies .. we have known each other online for quite some time liao :) Wait till I can get my kids off my hand, I will date u out :)

Esther said...

That's great! Date among bloggers in Malaysia is so common. They become good friends and travel to each other hometown some more, so interesting :-)

sherlyn said...

Is that so? Hmm is there such thing happening in sg too?

Casa Calrose said...

Hi Sherlyn, I chanced upon your hobbies blog thru'm also new to beading, trying to find time and discipline and inspiration to bead! Thanks for sharing your beading and baking projects!

sherlyn said...

Hi Casa Calrose,

I am glad to have you share my passion in beading. If you have time to read through my blog, you would have noticed I am really struggling to find time for these two hobbies. Let us jia you together. I will also find time to visit your blog.

Jia you.


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