Thursday, November 18, 2010

A quick bead item

My girl came back from school one day to say that her classmates like her bracelet and has ask her to do one for them. So while she is beading for her classmate, I did a quick one too.

This rectangular bead is from a bracelet that is done during one of the beading lessons a few years back. I pair it up with bicone beads. This earring reminds me of a simple chinese lantern.

There, simple enough.

I hope I get more chances to bead and bake in this coming school holiday. Holiday starting soon .... 


Esther said...

at last i can post comment over here. like you, for the past weeks, i can't post any comment on your blog leh! don't know what happen. :-(
wow such pretty earrings! wish i have a pair. :-p
ya, it's been a long time since you last baked. now sch hol is here, u can embark on this baking journey again :-)

sherlyn said...

Something must be very wrong with blogger, previously I also cannot post comments in your blog. It has been for very long, and for many tries still cannot .. till I gave up. I think I must go try again.

Is the earring pretty? Then I bring it to give you on the day I meet u lah, one of the day after I come back from sabah? I am gog there 4 to 7th Dec. Then when you look at the real thing, then maybe not so pretty anymore. hehe

I did bake bread a few days ago and has the intention to make some others. Ingredients are all bought ... just wait for the mood hahaha

Esther said...

thank you Sherlyn in advance :-)

glad you are back baking again. after stopping for quite sometime, it needs motivation to come back baking. just like me lor, stop baking for quite sometime, and now Christmas coming, so must "push" myself to do something...haha

sherlyn said...

No need to worry. Jewelries are made to be worn but I do not, and since u like it, good mah. But beware, it may not look as nice as it is shown here.

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