Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lemon Curd Cake

Oh, this close up reveals all the flaws.

This cake is made with a recipe from Phoon Huat. My mother
who went for the demo, brought back a tiny piece and my kids
like it, so requested for it.

The taste of the lemon curd is very refreshing, and nice. The
sponge cake base is still very soft, even thou my cake
collapsed and was dense at the bottom. It is suppose to be a
sponge base, lemon curd filling, sponge layer, lemon curd filling
cake, but I made this in the morning where I have to rush off
to somewhere after lunch, so it is very rush. Infact, I was
cooking the lemon filling and cooking my pasta lunch at the
same time. Anyway, my sponge cake base is too flat to be spilt
into two layers, so I just pour the filling on top.

I must say, the cake base is really very soft and light. I like
this cake very much, but the whip cream, the butter, the eggs
are all quite fattening.   Wondering will lemon offset the

Will update recipe later, too tired to type now.


serena said...

Found some time to drop by. I love lemon. Hope to taste it when we meet up. It looks flawless to me.

sherlyn said...

Erm ... not sure if I dare to bake for you to eat or not leh ... but before that, you can find a time to try baking it yourself. Let me go and get the recipe type out.

densar said...

Hihi. Oh yes, I love those citrus smell! Cake looks good.

Sher - Finally I bought Daiso's piping set but too lazy to try out. :P

sherlyn said...

Thanks Sarah. No mood to bake recently, so thanks for dropping by still.

Have an expired bottle of heavy cream (unopened) inside fridge, keeping it for piping exercise. Want to use it first? :-)

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