Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 Flavours from one mix - nutella cupcake (try 2)

I want to bake something for the kids to bring to school again. I want something small, mini and easy to pack, so I decided on the nutella cupcakes since I have done it in the mini paper cases before.

Actually I really hope for a bigger oven... I have to wait and wait for the batches of cupcakes to be done. 12 mini one is not enough .. you see, I also do taste test .. so I hv to eat one on the first day, one on the 2nd day to make sure it is still safe for consumption, and more if the cakes stay more than a day or two, and my girl usually eats 3-4 at a go if the cupcakes are nice!

With this batter, I am able to make 3 batches, almost .. total of 35 of them. Rachel Allen said that once the baking powder is added, I should be quick, but no choice, my oven can only bake a tray of 12 at a go.

I am one who like to have a variety, so this time, I decide to play around with the stuff I have at home. I made a batch of original nutella flavour, a batch of kaya flavour and the last batch, I just leave it "vanilla" with chocolate rice topping.

Here are the 3 different babies.

The mix is made using the nutella cupcake recipe which I have used previously, but would like to retype it here for the sake of "filing". The original recipe can be found here.


140gm butter, softened
100g white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
200gm sifted plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Nutella, approx 1/3 cup


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line paper liners into muffin tray.
2. Cream butter and sugar until light.
3. Add in eggs one at a time, until fully incorporated. Add vanilla.
4. Stir in flour, salt and baking powder until batter is uniform and no traces of flour.
5. Fill liners till 3/4 full. Top each batter with nutella and swirl it around with toothpick, making sure to fold a bit of batter up over the nutella.
6. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove to cool on wire rack.

This time, I am using brown sugar, and I remembered brown sugar is sweeter than normal sugar, so I reduce the sugar by half! Not sure if this is the reason, but my butter sugar mix did not incorporate with my eggs even I cream for a long long time. The ending mixture after adding 3 eggs one at a time still looks like this :-

Perhaps I mess up the sugar and butter ratio .. I guess I can only bake one more time with 100g brown sugar to try if I get this again. Luckily, after I add in sifted flour, it came together and I manage to bake the cupcakes. This time I hid most of the kaya inside the batter because I am worried of it burning if I swirl it on top. Now I think it is fine to have the kaya exposed on top.

Can't wait to try again. Now I just want to try to sleep away the four pimples in a row at the side of my left cheek.


Happy Homebaker said...

So, it doesn't matter that the batter sits and wait for its turn to be baked? My oven is also very small, I can only bake one tray at a time.
My kids won't bring my bakes to school, they prefer to eat 'canteen food' :_(

Kitchen Corner said...

I saw this Rachel Allen recipe too! But didn't get the recipe. Thanks for sharing it, I would love to give it a try. Cheers!

sherlyn said...


My taste buds are never sensitive, so even if there is a difference I will not be able to detect. The sensitive one (my dh) did not taste it at all and don't think can depend on the kids. For my non sensitive taste buds, I think they all taste the same. Infact, I tasted all 3 flavours that day .. imagine I already ate 3 on the first day.

sherlyn said...

Hi Grace,

Thanks for dropping by .. but I would like to clarify this is not a recipe from Rachel Allen (she has one too?). What I tried to say is, Rachel Allen mentioned that we should not let the batter sit too long cos baking powder acts once the liquid is in touch with the dry ingredients (containing baking powder) .. the recipe, I took from SSB who took from someone else. The original recipe link is included in this post.

Sorry to have misled you with my poor english. So sorry.

sherlyn said...

Oh ya HHB, I think when my kids are your age, they will also take canteen food ... like their friends .. My boy already telling me he would like to buy fishball, chicken nuggets from the stalls!

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