Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chocolate Hazelnut Bread minus the hazelnut

I made chocolate hazelnut bread (minus the hazelnut) again. I thought my yeast and bread flour are expiring, that is why. I did not add in hazelnut this time because my hubby doesn't like the bits. This time I remember to put in the melted butter as a liquid ingredient. The outcome :-

The top is still not smooth. Should I open the breadmaker to smooth out the top before it starts baking?

This is a peek into its "cross section". When it is warm, fresh out from the breadmaker, it really taste so heavenly. After that .. hehe still tasty lah. However I find the bread dense. Oh I made a mistake of putting in the egg unbeaten. Wonder what difference did it made. Will not be able to find out unless I bake another one.

I hope I will bake (anything) again soon.


Happy Homebaker said...

Your loaf looks very rustic with the uneven surface :) Bread machine usually will yield a not so smooth surface, if you like, after the kneading stops and before it starts to proof, you can take out the dough to shape it a to a smooth ball before putting it back. I don't think you should fiddle with the dough after proofing otherwise it may collapse?

sherlyn said...

hehe, thanks. Ya I think it is best not to meddle with anythg esp when I m still new in bread making. Slowly lah .. i will probably bug u more and more on breadmaking ... scare or not ? :)

Happy Homebaker said...

Not scared at all, 放马过来吧 ;)

sherlyn said...


In touch with Purplerine said...

Don't when I got chance to try your home made bread.

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