Thursday, October 20, 2011

I made it to another round of challenge with Bingka Ubi (Baked Tapioca Kueh)

It is a stretch of 4 off day for my kids as it is blocked off as PSLE marking days. I am pretty happy with the "off" because I am planning to do more by staying up since I need not wake up early to send boy to school. Furthermore, hubby will be outstation so no one to bug me to sleep. *sigh* but my body cannot take it. Cannot deny I am not young anymore.

I have wasted last night and so tonight I am going to update this post while it is still hot! Bingka Ubi was made today! Bingka Ubi's mandarin translation is "烤木薯糕" (baked tapioca kueh - if translated into English from Mandarin).

I love any form of tapioca - in form of chips (spicy or bitter), in its original form steamed and eaten with grated coconut or baked. Me and my mother were having trouble getting tapioca. The NTUC is not selling it, so we have to depend on the wet market. After a few tries, she finally saw it yesterday and she has bought some for me. The amount is enough to make a quarter of the recipe in the book. Luckily a quarter, I am already having trouble finishing them as me and my mother (maybe my girl) will be the only one eating the kueh.

I took probably 45 minutes to grate 450g of tapioca using the mini grater that is sold in NTUC. Quite alright as I have set aside time for this bake today. After that, the steps are easy. Just mix all ingredient and heat the mixture till thick then off it went into the oven. As I did not want to burn the mixture, I use a really small heat so it took quite a while of constant stirring before the mixture seemed to dry up abit. While the mixture is in oven, the whole house smelled of coconut milk (windows are all closed as it was raining heavily). I love it.

However, I think I overbaked my kueh. So disappointed that after all these years of baking, I can still overlook the relationship of baking time and amount of bake. I knew I overbaked, but did not realise I should have adjust the time based on amount of bake. I simply followed the required time to bake which was 95 minutes for a 10" round tray while mine was only an oval pie dish! Furthermore, I only realised the mistake when I was blog hopping just now and chanced upon other bloggers' Bingka Ubi baked under 1 hour for a smaller amount. I can only console myself that I did not think much as I tried to follow as close to the instructions as possible since this is a new bake. Luckily I know how to tent my kueh but I tented it too late. It started browning after 10 - 15 minutes. However I am afraid it will not bake well if I tent it too early (with respect to the 95 minutes baking time). So I had a very brown skin Bingka Ubi, rather tough skin but the inside is still soft and chewy. It also has a natural yellow colour even though the tapioca is whitish. It got its colour from the gula melaka. Good thing I did not use yellow coloring. I also reduce the sugar and the sweetness is just perfect for me.

Here's my pie dish of Bingka Ubi (ya, that corner went into my mouth).

See the dry top. But the inside is a nice yellow. (ok, now you see how dark the base is.)

I ate 1/3 of it and my mother took another third. The last third is in my fridge now. Anyone can advise me how long can I keep them both in room temperature and the fridge?

Ok, here is the recipe from Tempting Kuih(chinese title : 茶粿香), complied by Wong Kee Sun, published by ONE PUBLISHER, library call number : 641.86 AZI - [COO]


1800 gm tapioca (grated)
500 ml thick coconut milk
400 ml water
300 gm gula Melaka
150 gm  castor sugar
50 gm milk powder
80 gm butter
1 1/2 tsp fine salt
Little yellow colouring

1. Combine all ingredients stir till even.
2. Stir over heat till mixture is almost thick.
3. Pour into a 10" round mould and bake at 180dC for 95 minutes.

Note :
1. Brush mould with butter at sides and bottom.
2. If prefer a yellow kuih, use 450 gm castor sugar and little yellow colouring.

Note by self to self :
Only made a quarter of the recipe as follows :-

450 gm tapioca (grated)
125 ml thick coconut milk
100 ml water
75 gm gula Melaka
37.5 gm  castor sugar (I use only 30 gm for convenience)
12.5 gm milk powder
20 gm butter
1/8 + 1/4 tsp fine salt

The pot of mixture ready to go on stove
The ring of rainbow after I washed the pot

It is a pity my dh only comes back on Friday night. Not sure if I shall keep a piece for him to taste test, but surely no point since it will not be as tasty as when it is fresh from oven.
*sigh* I still do not understand why are my kids rejecting gula Melaka.

I am so happy that I am able to submit this to Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011), hosted by Small Small Baker.


Happy Homebaker said...

I have plans to make this too! and also the steamed version. I prefer the steamed ones, so will likely do that first, wish me luck :)

Small Small Baker said...

Still looks good! You change your blog template? Nicer and easier to read. :)

Blessed Homemaker said...

Sherlyn, I made this too! My dad loves this and I try to make for him whenever I get my hands on fresh tapioca. Oh yah.. forgot to post this for Aspiring Bakers :P

Exam coming, you don't have to caoch your kid(s)?

sherlyn said...

HHB, I shall be waiting for your steam version. I bet the skin will not be so dry and tough then. I think steam one not so heaty.

SSB, thanks. Ya, I change the template, but basically it is almost the same accept it is wider and the colours changed too. Oh dear, it must have been a torture for you all to read my blog post previously. Sorry.

Blessed Homemaker, I will look out for your post. :)
Yes, his paper is 28, 31 and 1 Nov. My girl has no exam since she is P1. I think I am the one taking exam! He absolutely bo chap at all. I usually only spent 30 - 45 minutes coaching him cos it is just to go thru the questions that he got them wrong. But I specially want to participate in AB so I set aside this day to try this. I had a failed Putu Ayu attempt last week. :( These two are the simplest with ingredients that I have. I cannot buy new ingredients as I know I am baking less now. Wait for school holiday perhaps.

In touch with Purplerine said...

Cant finish? I can help. Lol

sherlyn said...

Purplerine, anythg with coconut usually my favorite hehe just that I eat a lot then fat fat lor.

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Note to self

Blog template changed and blog customised on 20th October 2011