Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Doughnut, doughtart?

Got this doughnut recipe (baked version) from"Young Families"
 magazine that is distributed to my boy by his school. Looks 
simple so tempted to try and sure I did, despite that time is tight.

This is the recipe.

Simply Doughnut
100g butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 1/2 cup flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
a pinch of nutmeg
1/2 cup milk

  1. Cream or blend butter and sugar until light and creamy.
  2. Mix in beaten egg followed by dry ingredients and milk.
  3. Fill greased muffin tins 1/2 full and bake at 180C for 20 to 30 minutes.
  4. To assemble, brush doughnuts with a little melted butter and roll in caster sugar.
Easy? Use muffin pan somemore (that is the reason I die die want
to try since I hv not invested in a doughnut pan. So I used my
mini muffin pan that makes 12, then spoon the rest into egg tart
mould. Near dinner time, so cant be so fanciful.

Whats the end result? Well, the look definitely don't pass (as all
of you should be able to guess). The taste, I would say it taste
alot like cake. I think I hv read that the baked version of
doughnut is more of a cake like texture. However, I left out the
 salt and nutmeg in a hurry ... its just a pinch, wonder what is 
the effect if they had been added.

Would I try again? Ya I will, simple, and quite tasty, but will not
treat it as a doughnut. Simply will treat it as a mini
cupcake or muffin.

Here's 2 pictures to show how my baked doughnut look like.


JY said...

Hey, good try... how does it taste?

sherlyn said...

It really taste very cake like. Is yours like that too? I think can say taste like butter cake, the not so buttery butter cake. I really want to taste other's baked doughnut too. See whether got chance to try yours.

densar said...

hey, i tried baking donuts too! didnt like it, like you said, cake like taste. still prefers the fried ones..

sherlyn said...

Hi densar, Thanks for dropping by. Oh ... if it is confirm that baked donut taste like this, then i wouldnt need to buy doughnut pan. But then again, wonder if it is worth trying to use the fried batter to bake .. you tried?

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