Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cookies and cream cupcakes

Tried my hands on this recipe from Elyn's blog on last friday. Thanks Elyn for sharing.

The cupcake is so soft and fluffy that it taste like chiffon cake. Kind of sweet thou.

I am lazy to use the electric beater (cos lazy to wash) so i hand cream the butter and sugar, then add in the other ingredients in order (ya i follow Elyn's preparation method).
 See the creamy batter?

then  all ready for oven.

The output

I think i will try the recipe's method of beating everythg together and see wat happens.

Gave 3 good looking ones to my friend to try. When I mentioned to my mother that i want to share with my 
friend, she discourage me.   *sigh*. Anyway, my friend mentioned
it is not as fluffy, which might be due to the oreo inside , or has
been 2 days later liao.

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