Friday, November 27, 2009

Doggie Biscuit

Its not the first time I use this recipe, but the 2nd. The first time was a long long time ago. I wanted to bring this biscuit home to malaysia for my little niece and also to find something for my kids to do, so I decided to bake these cute looking biscuits and ask my kids to decorate them. My friend, upon hearing this, like to bring her kids over to "participate".

So here is part of the end result.

I baked double the recipe, because I like my friend to bring home a recipe's portion, but now I ended up with quite alot still at home. The ones in the pictures are done mostly by my friend. Very creative. Those done by the kids .... erm ... :-)

The mixing part is so easy with KitchenAid, keke. Anyway I think this recipe can be done manually by hand too.

The kids enjoyed themselves for a while, but they are too fast for my small oven, and I did not want to use too many trays, so I rather them go play then sitting around the table with oily hands.

So can you find snowman, kitty cat, rabbit, bear bear, etc among the lot?

The recipe can be found at Happy Home baking's website.



Anonymous said...

Good one on "Doggie Biscuit".I just came across this website that emphasize on how to keep your home clean from toxin. The website url is

Edwin- Owning their own home

Esther said...

Hi Sherlyn, long time never see you bake or cook. Is everything alright? Next week school going to reopen, you will be "freeier"? since your son is studying P1 already. Hope all is fine with you and wish you a Fruitful & Prosperous 2010!

sherlyn said...

Hi Esther ... thank you so much for writing .. I am fine.
Not sure busy with what, but lately the painting work kept me busy thou. There are also the packing and unpacking then we went back to our in laws in msia for a week and we just came back .. so I will be busy with housework backlog again, then my boy's starting P1 (alot to be done, like wrapping books, washing and ironing school uniforms etc etc) .. then will hv to think of what kind of snacks for him to bring to school (perhaps experiment with simple sandwiches or bento) .. I think it might be sometime before I start baking again .. (oops then got spring clean for the CNY!) sigh ... I miss baking .. and I love you bakes.

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