Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mickey Cookies

My cousin bought these cutters for me in Japan. Then I use
them on a recipe that makes biscotti.


I think its a failure, cos the raw sugar that I used did not melt.
I can still see them (sank at the bottom of the biscuit). Suppose
to use brown sugar, but did not say caster or not, then I don't

The biscuits are very crumbly, which likely is the cause of the
corn flour.

So, now i shd get another cookie cutter recipe, or try again
with caster sugar to see if sugar melts. Will post recipe when i

hmm, maybe must buy icing pen to draw the details of the
hands and face feature .. else also don't know these belongs
to mickey.

不是硬的那种,象牛油饼多些,易碎,不过我喜欢。 可惜, 不是
很成功因为糖没完全溶解, 都沉在饼的底部。没法啦,下次

1 comment:

Small Small Baker said...

Hi Sherlyn,

You've been tagged! Hehe check out the link here.

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