Monday, July 21, 2008

2nd try on Zebra cake

This zebra cake is indeed tasty. The whole family still likes to

With the failure of this try, I think I can conclude that the
chocolate sinks into the bottom of the cake cos it is too dense.
Will try to reduce the cocoa powder the next time.

Of cos it could be due to the fact that I alternate the batter
too slowly, but i did that slowly because the chocolate layer
spread out real slow. Heres the look of the 2nd trial.

So, this time, from the look of the cake, I can say I am half
successful, since the "zebra stripes" did stretch almost halfway.

The owner revised her recipe. Please visit her website for the
revised version.

一半吧, 因为可见半条斑马条纹。巧克力那部分或许还是太


Small Small Baker said...

Congrats on a more successful attempt this time. At least can see the stripes already. I'm sure you will succeed the next time.

I have tried it too. But the result is same as your 1st attempt. Too bad. :(

sherlyn said...

Thanks. So you got to try again okie .. I am sure you will succeed on the 2nd attempt.

June said...

try this method. think of making a checkedboard. pour in a section of butter mix, then a section of chocolate mix and the butter mix so bottom part of pan you can see 3 parts. then do it again for the top section. but in reverse order so now there is butter mix on top of the chocolate mix. once all the mix has been poured in, use a long stick to make zig zag movements through the mixture. see if it works.

sherlyn said...

hmm .. cant visualise the resulting pattern but sounds interesting .. will find a time to try it out. Thanks for the tip.

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