Friday, July 4, 2008

My Tiramisu

If you did not see the title, would you know that this is

Ok, this is my version of tiramisu. I am trying to do a version
that my kids can eat. My friend has a chocolate version, so
I followed her no egg recipe, and with her tips on how to
convert it to a chocolate one, I made mine.

Basically, I am lazy and wouldnt want to use the mixer, so
I manually whisk both types of cheese together. Then I added
melted chocolate chips to make the chocolaty cream. Not too
sure why (must ask my friend), some of the melted
chocolate solidify into bits (my cheese mixture is not that cold)
and I stirred in icing sugar instead of normal sugar (afraid
that the sugar will not dissolve). Anyway, I leave the cheese
mixture with the chocolate bits.

I go on to make the chocolate dip instead of the coffee dip.
My friend has asked me to use cocoa powder with milk and
sugar but I play cheat, use milo and milk only.

Finally, able to assemble my tiramisu. Not wanting to use
cocoa powder to dust the cake, cos worry its too bitter for
the kids, so I use milo powder again. After all that hours of
chilling in the fridge, the milo powder seemed to soak up some
moisture (not sure from where) and the look on top isn’t pretty

Luckily, my kids love the cake, they already had two small
helpings tonight.

猜到图片里的蛋糕是tiramisu吗? 为了让孩子也能吃,我用了
我朋友的巧克力食谱, 但又没完全跟从。我怕巧克力粉太苦,
就改用milo粉。加溶解了的巧克力进芝士里头, 好成为巧克力
bits. 不管怎么样,孩子爱吃就好。

1 comment:

sherlyn said...

Hi Bernard,

Thanks for dropping by, but i think you got the wrong person.


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