Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Giant chocolate chip cookies

I find the picture quite nice, but a pity the cookie not well done.
I can still see the brownish raw sugar sticking around. The
cookie is also quite hard, perhaps overbaked?

Its so difficult to decide if the cookie is done since it is chocolate
in color.  Had to do chocolate chip cookie cos my chips are

Here's the recipe, taken from the only baking book that i have.

Giant Choc Chip Cookies

Ingredients :
175g/6oz self raising flour
25g/1oz cocoa powder
75g/3oz soft-tub salted butter or margarine
50g/2oz granulated sugar
50g/2oz golden caster sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla essence
50g/2oz plain chocolate chips
25g/1oz white chocolate chips
2 tsp milk

1. Preheat the oven to 180dC/350F/Gas 4.
Lightly grease two baking sheets. Sift the flour and cocoa into
a bowl.

2. Place all the ingerdients (except the chocolate chips) into a
bowl and mix thoroughly to make a soft dough. Gradually 
work in the chocolate chips.

3. Place 6 large spoonfuls of the mixture, well apart, on each
baking sheet and flatten slightly with the back of a wetted

4. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until risen, light golden and just
firm to touch. Leave on the trays to firm up 2-3 minutes, then
lift on to a wire rack to cook using a palette knife.

So .. after reading the recipe, easy right ? No need mixer, just
dump everything in a bowl and mix. But I still failed leh.
Infact, the recipe say the biscuit will expand, and ask me to
put the biscuit well space out, but mine did not spread.

Did this last thursday, but till today the biscuit still around.
Hubby and kids both like the cookies, but I have stored it
away from sight so no one ate it.

总是无法做好巧克力饼干。 都是黑黑的,很难确定是否烘熟了。

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