Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fresh from the oven - Brownie Muffin

It wasn't until I finished baking them just this morning that
I realised I  have baked them before.

The recipe is scribbled in my notebook, and I find the steps
easy so wanted to do it with my boy.

Very happy that my boy enjoyed himself and very happy
with myself that I can still manage to prepare lunch with this
baking session on.

Here are the lovely sinful, fattening muffins.

Please check out the recipe from JY's Baking Journal.

Like she say, the muffin is moist inside and has a crusty top.
Best of all, I do not need the mixer. However, the batter is
quite thick, so spooning into my muffin cups is a challenge.

不需搅拌机,所以孩子很开心能帮上忙。赶快点击这里, 与孩


bACk in GERMANY said...

Lovely muffin cups. I must remember to try this out when the weather gets colder. Right now, summer isn't really for bakes. The oven is hardly in use now. Too hot!
Wonder if my bake wares will suffer the same fate when we are back in Sg. They are collecting dust right now!

sherlyn said...

keke .. will be good if you are my neighbour, then I can borrow your big collection of bake wares.

When you come back to SG, its going to be hot all year round, so by then, you'll definitely find a time to bake, cos there will be no "colder weather" to wait for. ;-)

Perhaps install a fan or air con in the kitchen?

Olivia said...

Hi Sherlyn

Great bakes.


sherlyn said...

Thanks Oliva. Thanks for dropping by too .. I can see that you do good bakes and cooks well too .. a pity I don't have time to finish your blog archive now .. will do that later.

btw, I used to be a Jeff fan too .. not a crazy one but just one who likes his songs .. but after staying at home with kids 5 years ago, i lost touch with radio.

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