Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Handmade cookies

Christmas is over. I did not even wish anyone Merry Christmas here through my hobby blog .. Sorry my friends.

I was planning to make Christmas cookies, those frosted one with my kids, but then again, 泡湯啦!I always wanted to bake birthday cakes for my family members during their birthdays, or cookies for CNY and Christmas, but never once, done it. What a shame!

I have been tidying up the study to create more space since my girl is stepping into Primary One next year. So one thing lead to another (clearing of storeroom space) then .. now the school holiday is over and I have yet to write names on their textbooks. Luckily I have scheduled tomorrow for ironing their uniforms and that school starts a day late next year. Time just passed like that!

After Christmas, the kids are still asking about making cookies, so I quickly googled for a recipe online and get the dough out to chill. I got it chilled overnight but I still have problem getting it done in one go as the dough soften rather fast (ok, I am slow). The kids love the cookies, and no, I did not do any icing again cos I am rushing to bring the kids out. Am happy to at least attempt the cookies, not totally 遺憾 lor.

My oven, as usual took a little long and since rushing for time, did not have much patience, so first batch came out not brown enough. However, can see little specks of darker brown .. not sure are those the sugar crystal again. This is really handmade - I used my hand to cream the butter and sugar manually, so maybe not done enough.

Cooling on a rack
After baking these, I fell ill and I dare not try out another recipe that my friend, Pris Goh has shared with me (Thanks Pris). Must wait liao, cos school re opening, stuffs not done and I am going away - back to my dh's hometown till school reopens.

Sigh, just this holiday, I have gained a few kgs.

This aside, I must share with my friends too, that I am happy to have won a giveaway by Sugar Inc, Singapore. It is a cookbook. I would like to thank Anna for passing it to me personally.

Then, the happiest thing that happened to me this month is to receive a mail addressed to me shortly after I came back from a four day trip to Sabah. It's from a friend I knew through blogging. 我很感動. However, due to the backlog of housework and "don't know what others", I received her email before I even sent her one to thank her for the present. I am quite ashamed of myself.

Let me share the pictures of the lovely present.


My dear friend, 希望我不會辜負你的這份心意。I hope you are having a very good time bonding with your closest family members there.


Small Small Baker said...

You won the cookbook? Lucky you! A lovely gift by your friend too. I haven't wished you Merry Christmas too! Here wishing you and your family a great year in 2011! :)

sherlyn said...

Yes, SSB, I am lucky.. did you get the last two copies?
I can share if you like to see and refer ..

j3ss kitch3n said...

that's a lovely gift from your friend and congrats on winning the cookbook =)

thanks for dropping by my blog as to your questions yes the cookies can be kept from now til cny if you store them in airtight container and no you do not need to grease the paper cups =) hope to see u more often.

sherlyn said...

Yes Jess, very lovely .. and thanks .. you are welcome to share the cookbook with me too.

Thanks for answering my questions and dropping by my blog too. I really really hope I have the time to bake the cookies ... My p1 and p2 kids are in different sessions, plus spring cleaning with hubby overseas next two weeks ... wonder if i can manage...

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