Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Altered bracelet for my girl

Beading is one of my other hobby. I hv learn the skills through 3
courses conducted in CC. So far, i did not put it to good use
because, its so difficult to hv accessories with kids. Furthermore,
I seldom dress up since I need to handle kids. But I like this
hobby too, so i made a few for my girl. Made another few pieces
that i like (following patterns from books i borrow from the
library or from web).

This bracelet used to be strung up by elastic fish line. Easy for kids
to wear on their own, but my girl likes to pull, so she has stretched
the band and I decided to do a "clasp" for her now. May not be
pretty, but it serves the purpose.

 The "clasp"

The other 2 designs.

She did not like the design with flowers thou I find it quite pretty.

I hope I learn to dress up and use some of the accessories that
i make.

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