Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coming back ...

It has been a long 7 months since I wrote a post. I am finally able to write a simple update now. Although I am not active in my blog, but with the handy handphone, I am able to keep in touch with all my friends in Facebook. They have kept me happy at my sad moments. Thank you very much my friends. I also have friends dropping me messages here but I usually took a long time to reply them as it is not so easy to access my blog through the handphone.

My mum passed away on 25th June. After living on earth for a big part of a life, all it takes was a 3 days funeral and everything became a past. After the funeral, I helped with packing of my mother's room while my brother was still on his no pay leave. It took on and off, a month to really clear up her room. I also cleared my store to house some of the things I inherited. Then comes the kids school tests ... and school holidays ... now it is the last term of the school which means SA2 is coming. In fact next week is the oral exam! Life has been hectic, busy and with the early sleeping time targeted at 12 nightly, it is getting harder to switch on the PC. Imagine I woke up late and two kids will get punished for lateness to school? So I cannot risk that by sleeping late now.

I hope I will slowly get use to updating my blog again, baking again, beading again, and not forgetting to use the bread maker and the sewing machine that I inherited from my mother.

Busy life goes on .... I still have to cook and wash. Been cooking and trying out new dishes which I need to update the recipe here. If not everytime I want to cook something, I have to look through my thousands of photo in my iphone, and some in my ipad, and some in the PC. It is my trend now to snap recipes from library books. Easier and faster than scanning them. Also avoid the situation for borrowing  a whole book when I just need that page. I guess you will see more recipes of dishes than bakes for the near future.

Now it is time to cook lunch for the kids before fetching them home. Morning time are used for housework and afternoon time are rightfully reserved to coach my kids. Bye for now, my friends.

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